adaptive image

AesExpert: Towards Multi-modality Foundation Model for Image Aesthetics Perception

1Xidian University, China 2Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

ACMMM 2024


The highly abstract nature of image aesthetics perception (IAP) poses significant challenge for current multimodal large language models (MLLMs). The lack of human-annotated multi-modality aesthetic data further exacerbates this dilemma, resulting in MLLMs falling short of aesthetics perception capabilities. To address the above challenge, we first introduce a comprehensively annotated Aesthetic Multi-Modality Instruction Tuning (AesMMIT) dataset, which serves as the footstone for building multi-modality aesthetics foundation models. Specifically, to align MLLMs with human aesthetics perception, we construct a corpus-rich aesthetic critique database with 21,904 diverse-sourced images and 88K human natural language feedbacks, which are collected via progressive questions, ranging from coarse-grained aesthetic grades to fine-grained aesthetic descriptions. To ensure that MLLMs can handle diverse queries, we further prompt GPT to refine the aesthetic critiques and assemble the large-scale aesthetic instruction tuning dataset, i.e. AesMMIT, which consists of 409K multi-typed instructions to activate stronger aesthetic capabilities. Based on the AesMMIT database, we fine-tune the open-sourced general foundation models, achieving multi-modality Aesthetic Expert models, dubbed AesExpert. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed AesExpert models deliver significantly better aesthetic perception performances than the state-of-the-art MLLMs, including the most advanced GPT-4V and Gemini-Pro-Vision.




Aesthetic description

Aesthetic interpretation

Enhancement suggestion

Composition and emotion


  title={AesExpert: Towards Multi-modality Foundation Model for Image Aesthetics Perception},
  author={Yipo Huang and Xiangfei Sheng and Zhichao Yang and Quan Yuan and Zhichao Duan and Pengfei Chen and Leida Li and Weisi Lin and Guangming Shi},